It might be easy to begin your research with Google or Wikipedia, but there are better resources for your college projects. It's a good idea to start with the library databases. By doing this, you'll find trustworthy articles and sources that meet your instructor's requirements. Things to keep in mind when using databases:
EBSCO mobile app - sign in by selecting your institution (Mohave Community College Library)
Keywords - are the terms you are going to use as search terms; it is important to develop a list of keywords before you start searching in a database.
"Choose and Using Keywords" by PfauLibrary, John M. Pfau Library is licensed under CC BY 3.0
Boolean operators - are the terms that go between keywords when performing a search. The three Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT are used to narrow or broaden your search results.
" Online Research: Tips for Effective Search Strategies " by Sarah Clark is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
The information in this box is an abbreviated form of the information in the How to Search Databases guide. View the full guide if you need more clarity or contact a librarian.
"Using the New EBSCOhost User Interface" by norwich library, Norwich University is licensed under CC BY 3.0