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Steps to writing a paper (NEW): 6. Researching +

It might be easy to begin your research with Google or Wikipedia, but there are better resources for your college projects. It's a good idea to start with the library databases. By doing this, you'll find trustworthy articles and sources that meet your instructor's requirements. Things to keep in mind when using databases:

  • Make sure you searching the right database(s) for your topic
  • Use Boolean search techniques (Keywords + Boolean operators)
  • Modify initial searches

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How to Search Databases

Keywords - are the terms you are going to use as search terms; it is important to develop a list of keywords before you start searching in a database.

Boolean operators - are the terms that go between keywords when performing a search. The three Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT are used to narrow or broaden your search results.

  • AND - using the "AND" operator between two or more search terms will pull up results that include all of the search terms.
  • OR - using the "OR" operator between two or more search terms will pull up results that include at least one of the search terms
  • NOT - using the "NOT" operator before a search term will filter out that term from the search results.

The information in this box is an abbreviated form of the information in the How to Search Databases guide. View the full guide if you need more clarity or contact a librarian.

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Choosing the Right Database

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