The second women's rights movement. (2020). In D. G. Felder, The American women's almanac: 500 years of making history. Visible Ink Press. Credo Reference.
The best place to begin searching for material on your philosophy assignment. Contains extensive full-text articles on these subjects: Epistemology, History of Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Philosophy of Language, Political Philosophy, and others.
Think of Credo Reference as a scholarly version of Wikipedia. Collect credible background information on your topic or use the Mind Map tool to brainstorm ideas.
General academic database that contains a considerable number of articles on philosophy. Recommended for broader, non-specialist topics in the discipline.
This resource contains a large selection of multidisciplinary e-books representing a broad range of academic subjects including modern and classic philosophy books. Thousands of books are right at your fingertips!
Readings in Moral Philosophy that touch upon many of the controversial issues of the day, such as reproductive rights, poverty, the environment, and more.
A survey of the teachings of the ancient philosophers like Plato and Aristotle, combined with thoughts of how their teachings can be applied in modern times.
This Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is not affiliated with MCC. It is a free and interesting course that will familiarize you with many of the basic concepts of philosophy!
Khan Academy brings you high-quality, free educational videos on many subjects. Their Wi-Phi philosophy video series touches on many of the most important philosophical topics.