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Biology 205 (Keating)

How do I use the Library Catalog?

1. How do I access the library catalog?

The Library Catalog from WorldCat Discovery is a convenient way to search for books (both fiction and non-fiction), eBooks, DVDs, magazines, articles, newspapers, and other items available at MCC Libraries and from over 15,000 libraries across the globe.

You can access the library catalog by performing a search in the Worldcat Discovery Search box or by clicking the "Direct Link to MCC's Catalog," both of which are located on the MCC Libraries homepage (see Question 3 to learn how to perform a search).






2. How do I create Worldcat Discovery/library account?

Faculty, students, staff, and community patrons can set up an online library account with Worldcat Discovery to check due dates, renew loans, request holds on items from MCC Libraries, and request items from other libraries (Interlibrary Loan or ILL). Note: You do not need to create a personal account to search the library catalog.

Follow the directions below to set up your library account:

A. Click the "Direct Link to MCC's Catalog" (above) and select "Sign In" located in the top right corner of the page.

B. On the Sign In page, click "Set/reset password".

C. Enter your user name and click "Request new password" (this will prompt an email to be sent to your account).

  • If you are a student or faculty member, your User Name will be  your 6-digit employee/student ID.
  • If you are a public patron, your User Name will be the 13-digit number from the back of your library card.

D. Go to the email address the college has on file for you and find the email from "" Click the link in that email to create a password.

  • For students and employees this is your employee or student email (not your personal email)

  • For community members this is the email address you gave library staff when you signed up for a library card.

E. The link in your email will open the "Change Password" page.

  • Enter the same employee/student ID or library card number you used in Step 3.
  • Create a password to use with your library account (if you are making an account for the first time) or choose a new password if you have an existing account.
  •  Click "Change Password."

F. A confirmation screen will appear once your account is created. You can now sign into the library catalog by clicking "Sign In" as pictured in Step A.

3. How do I search the library catalog?

The library catalog can be searched in a variety of ways. If you know the name of the item you want, it is most helpful to search by the title, author, or ISBN number. If you want to browse for resources it is best to start with a keyword search. 

A.  From the library homepage, click "Direct Link to MCC's Catalog." 

B. Type your search into the search box. The image below shows a simple search for resources on "genetics." 

C. Refine your search results by checking the boxes on the left hand side of the screen (in the gray).

  • The catalog will automatically pull up results from "Libraries Worldwide."
  • Filter your results to "Mohave Community College" to bring up results from all MCC campus libraries or pick and choose a specific MCC campus library to search.
  • Continue to filter your search as needed such as by format (eBook, print book, DVD, blueray, article etc...), content type, or year.

If you find MCC does not have the item you want, you can recheck the box that says "Libraries Worldwide" and view the holdings of other libraries for the item. You can then submit an ILL request to obtain it (see Question 5).

D. Click on the title or cover of the item to find out more information.

  • This will allow you to read the "summary," a description of the "contents" (often chapter titles), and other detailed information.
  • Scroll down to "More Details" to view the campus location, call number (shelving location), and to see if the item is "available" or "checked out."
  • If the item is not at your home campus or is checked out, you can "Place a Hold" on the item to reserve it (see Question 4).

E. For more advanced searches, please utilize the "Advanced Search" screen. Note: Advanced Search utilizes Boolean operators. Please see How to Search Databases for an explanation of Boolean operators

4. I found an item in the catalog that is at another MCC campus library, how do I get it?

 You have access to all of the items at MCC Libraries regardless of what campus you are on. If there is an item you want that is located at another MCC library you can "Place a Hold" (reserve it for yourself) on it and have it mailed to your home campus. 

  • If you find an item on your home campus, you can "Place a Hold" on it is reserved for you to pick-up. 
  • If an item is currently "checked out" you can "Place a Hold" on it. This will reserve the item for you to pick-up upon its return.

Follow the directions below to place a hold on an item:

A. Sign into (or create) your Worldcat Discovery/library account as described in Question 2 above.

B. After finding an item in the catalog, look for its campus location at MCC Libraries (this book is located on the Kingman campus). 


C. Click the item's title. At the top right side of the catalog screen you will see "Access Options." Click the red "Place Hold" button. If you have not signed in with your Worldcat Discovery/Library account, do so now.

D. Fill out the form and hit the "Submit" button. Make sure you pick the correct campus for your pick-option.

  • Library staff will notify you when the item is ready. If you are asking for an item from another campus plan on 2-4 business days until they arrives.


5. I found an item in the catalog that is at another library (outside of MCC), how do I get it?

If you have found a book or other item that is at another library, you may submit an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request to have that item mailed to you for pickup at your campus library. Note: ILL requests are subject to the approval of the lending library and it is not guaranteed you will receive the item.

Follow the steps below to submit an ILL request:

A. Search for a book or other item, if it is not available at MCC Libraries, but is available from another institution, the library catalog will state "At other libraries worldwide" in the catalog record.

B. Click the item's title. At the top right side of the catalog screen you will see "Access Options." Click the red "Request Item through Interlibrary Loan" button. If you have not signed in with your Worldcat Discovery/Library account, do so now.

C. Fill out the required fields on the ILL submission form and hit the "Submit" button at the bottom (leave amount willing to pay blank).

  • Library staff will then request the item you want from a borrowing library and contact you when it arrives. Depending on where the item is being mailed from, it can take 5-10 business days to arrive.
  • If the request is not able to be fulfilled, library staff will contact you asap. Additionally, you may contact your campus library directly to place an ILL request.

Interlibrary loan submission form