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Mohave Community College Libraries

Library Policies (updated October 2022)

Basic Borrowing Rules

  • Students wishing to check out library materials will use their photo ID, or Big Horn One card.
  • Community borrowers must get a Mohave Community College library card in order to check out library materials.
  • All damaged or lost materials shall be paid for or replaced by the patron to the satisfaction of the librarian. To prevent damage, media items should be returned to the circulation desk.
  • MCC students, faculty and staff may check out 10 items at a time, with up to 5 DVDs. Community patrons may check out 5 items at a time, with up to 2 DVDs.

Loan Period

  • Books in the general stacks are loaned for 30 days. DVDs are loaned for a period of 7 days.
  • Circulation of course reserves and periodicals varies by item and campus location, but some items may be limited to in-library use only.
  • Board games are loaned for a period of 7 days; puzzles are loaned for a period of 30 days.
  • Materials may be renewed twice, unless there is an outstanding request for the item. If the patron wishes to renew an item more than twice, the item must be physically brought to the library and renewed in-person by library staff.

Library Cards

  • MCC students, faculty and staff automatically have a library account and do not get a physical library card. Non-students (Community members) may request a library card at any of our four campus locations.
    • A current mailing address is required. Parents or legal guardians shall be responsible for all materials checked out by immediate members of the family under the age of 18 years.
  • Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to receive a library card, unless the youth is a registered student at MCC.
  • Please notify library staff immediately if a card has been lost or stolen. Unless notified, patrons are responsible for any materials charged to lost or stolen library cards.
  • There is no charge for a replacement library card and you may obtain a replacement at the circulation desk at any campus library. Notify library staff if there has been a change of address, email, or phone number.

Requested Materials

  • The library supplies inter-campus and inter- library loan (ILL) borrowing services to student, faculty, staff, and public patrons. Contact library staff for details.
  • Requests are filled in the order they are received.
  • Requested materials will be held for (5) working days after the patron has been notified by phone and/or email.
  • Given that ILL  items are from outside  libraries, the library strictly enforces due dates. A patron who  is  8 days late returning ILLs will not be allowed to place future requests. Extenuating circumstances will be decided by the librarian.

Delinquent Accounts

  • Patrons are considered delinquent when one or more items are "long overdue." The library does not charge overdue fines. However, a delinquent patron will not be allowed to checkout additional materials until all items are paid for, returned, or replaced with an item of equal value.
  • The  library has established the following system for informing patrons of late items:
    • 3 days before items are due - patron receives email reminder.
    • Due date - items become overdue if not returned.
    • 7 days after due date - patron is emailed notice about overdue items.
    • 30 days after due date - patron is mailed a letter indicating their items are now  "long overdue."
    • 15 days after date of mailing - The patron's account is placed on temporary suspension, a note is added to their library account and the case is forwarded to MCC's Bursar's office: 
  • Student and community patrons will not be able to check out  items until the issue is resolved as described above.
  • Additionally,  MCC students will have an AR Hold placed on their account by the Bursar's Office. Accounts are cleared after all materials have been returned or replaced to the library to the satisfaction of the Librarian and/or MCC's Bursar's Office.

Note: The term "materials or items," as used throughout these guideline, includes any library item which is loaned to a library patron including, but not limited to, books, non-print items (audio/video), and equipment.

Basic Borrowing Rules 

  • There is a limited number technical equipment available per campus Library, and they are loaned on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Students must show their current schedule at time of checkout.
  • No holds, please stop by your campus library.

Loan Period 

  • Technology equipment can be checkout for the entire semester.
  • Equipment needs to return to the library one week after the end of the semester.

Technical Equipment Availability 


Library Study Rooms 

  • Room requests are considered on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Please check-in with library staff before using a study room.
  • To guarantee a room, make a reservation in advance with library staff.
  • There is a 4 hour limit per person/group, per day for reservations.
  • If you do not arrive within 15 minutes of your reservation, your reservation will be forfeited. 
  • Large rooms are for groups of 3 or more people unless otherwise approved by library staff. 
  • Remember to tidy up after yourself and keep noise at a reasonable level. Use headphones with your devices and take phone calls outside the library.
  • We reserve the right to place restrictions on a case-by-case basis.

Policy of Mutual Respect 

We treat our MCC Libraries chat users with respect and expect the same in return. If you use abusive or inappropriate language in the chat, we will terminate the session and take appropriate action. 

1st occurrence: Staff will issue a warning. If the abusive language continues, staff will terminate the session and record the incident. 

2nd occurrence: Staff will notify the Dean of Student and Community Engagement for further action. 

While library staff are very skilled at finding information, it may take a few minutes or more to complete the search. The typical session lasts 10-15 minutes. If you are short on time, please text us at 928-232-4430 or email to ask your question. You can also read answers to common questions at

Mohave Community College Library is open to the public; however, Mohave Community College does not and cannot take responsibility for the well-being of children in the library. The safety and security of the children are the responsibility of the parent or adult caregiver. Therefore, for the protection and well-being of children and in consideration of other patrons using the library, the following guidelines have been established.


  • The responsibility for the safety and well-being of children using the library rests with the parents/guardian or assigned caregiver, not with library personnel.
  • Children under the age of 12 should be under the direct supervision of an adult who assumes responsibility for them. The parents of children who create a disturbance will be asked to remove them.
  • Children ages 12 or older may use the library unattended as long as they observe the rules of common courtesy and do not create a disturbance. If a child wishes to leave the library, the library staff cannot legally detain him/her.
  • Extremely disruptive children will be barred from the library for a stipulated period of time.

Staff Procedures

  • If a child under the age of 12 has been left unattended and does not seem to be frightened or disruptive, library staff will attempt to inform the child's guardian of the library's unattended children guidelines.
  • If a child under the age of 12 is frightened or disruptive, library staff will notify the administrator on duty who will then attempt to find the guardian. When possible, the child should remain in the library. In all cases, library staff is authorized to use their best judgment in order to deal with a disruptive child, including calling the police.
  • If a minor (any child under the age of 18) is left unattended at the library at closing time, library staff will contact the administrator on duty to determine a course of action; this may include calling the police.